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If you’re struggling with finding and acquiring motivated seller leads, join us with today’s guest Brian Driscoll. He dives deeper into lead generation tactics, people’s biggest mistakes when doing ads, and tips for managing rental properties and building an effective team. This episode is all about digital marketing so don’t miss out!

Key Takeaways from this episode

  • Strategies to generate motivated leads
  • The biggest mistake people make when doing Facebook ads
  • Where social media platforms are heading 3-5 years from now?
  • How to outsource project and property management at good prices
  • Secrets to being more productive daily
  • Hiring tips for building a good team


References/Links Mentioned


About Bryan Driscoll

Bryan Driscoll is a real estate investor, a digital marketing and SEO expert, and Co-Founder of Motivated Leads, a digital marketing agency that helps investors expand their real estate portfolios quickly by generating quality motivated seller leads. Bryan has over a decade of experience doing SEO for both large and small companies, but after investing some of his agency profits into rental properties, he and his business partner realized that true wealth comes from real estate investing. Now, in addition to investing in real estate, Bryan uses his experience to help other investors find quality leads.

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