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Investing with us is simple!

See if you qualify to join our Investor Community (it’s free!) so you never miss an investment opportunity.

Apply to join our Investor Community (it’s free) so you never miss an investment opportunity.

PLUS, you’ll receive a free copy of our exclusive ebook, “How to Passively Invest in a Changing Economy” so you can learn about passively investing in commercial properties to become job-optional on your terms.

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Step 1

Complete Investor Form Below

To be able to meet the SEC requirements for this unique type of investment, we’ll need to understand a bit more about your investing experience and goals.

Step 2

Schedule Your Call

In this call, we’ll discuss your financial goals and needs to see if our investment opportunities are a good fit, and we’ll make sure we have time to answer any questions you may have.

Once you submit the form, you’ll see a calendar pop-up so you can complete the last step – schedule your call.​